GRF Biotechnology, Inc. is a specialized biotechnology company focused on the development, manufacturing and commercialization of novel acetyl hexapeptide-3 products, pro- acetyl hexapeptide-3, across multiple aesthetic applications. Based in both San Diego, California and Wuhan, China, we aspire to become a world-class dermatology company by making our proprietary Pro- acetyl hexapeptide-3 to address unmet aesthetic of reducing wrinkles. Ultimately, our objective is to build a unique pipeline of changing the way the customers use cutting-edge biotechnologies to tackle the issues of aging.

GRF Core Founding Team

Zhang Yanmei: Ph.D. in Chemistry, Co-founder, GRF chief scientist, 15+ years of drug discovery experiences. Now working on the development of novel acetyl hexapeptide-3 for antiaging study.

Dr. Wu: Co-founder, PhD in Biochemistry, UCSD 25+ years of drug discovery experiences, Senior New Drug Development Expert.

Dr. Tian: Co-founder, Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Doctor of Patent Law, 15+ years of biochemical research experiences.

Kang Lifeng: Co-founder, Ph.D. Supervisor of Department of Pharmacy, National University of Singapore, Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 10+ years of transdermal absorption research experiences.

Zou Liang: Co-founder, Market Development Executive Officer, Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto, MBA majoring in pharmaceutical strategy, 10+ years of product management and marketing experiences in US top listed companies.

Wu Baishi: Co-founder, Harvard Business School MBA, and 5+ years Wall Street investment experiences in the United States.

Yan Li: Co-founder, MBA from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 10+ years of market operation experiences.

Team of scientists

Ph. D. in Biochemistry, Carbohydrate Scientist, 25+ years Silicon Valley biochemical research experiences, senior new drug development expert.

Dr. Wang: Doctor of Dermatology at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, majoring in the research on the anti-wrinkle effect of Akiralin.

Global Scientific Research Center: 6331 Nancy Ridge Drive, San Diego CA 92121, U.S.A
Telephone: (858) 877-3021

China Address:
Wuhan Donghu High-tech Development Zone Biomedical Park A7 Exhibition Center
CD Block, 26th Floor, Excelsior Building, 107 Dongting Street, Jiang'an District, Wuhan

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